Psychic Medium, Healer and Spiritual Coach

Who I am and what I do

A lot of people has been coming to my world and others leaving and that is just beautiful. The goal is to be in complete alignment with who we truly are and our clients reject that. I wanted to clarify what it is that I do. Psychic medium, Awakening guide, Quantum energy healer & Alchemist

The wisdom of Discomfort. The importance of embracing the suck

The importance of embracing the suck and embrace the unknown. Stripping ourselves out of the old habits, programs and perceptions. These stories hold you back in the old paradigm. The challenge times are an opportunity to step back and reflect. Remember that they are temporary, just to take us out of the comfort zone and teach us a lesson.

Experiencing ascension symptoms?

We are goin through a rapid evolutionary time for or humanity and ascension symptoms helps us release all density and things that have been stored in the body to be fully released an anchor more light in our body and energy field.

A reminder from Angels and guides

Listen, divine being that you are! Shine your light, not matter what, share your gifts with those who are open and receptive to fully receive you for who you are. Your angels and guides love you and they want to share your light, your gifts, fully express how you feel and who you are! And change the page and cut some people out of your life when they are not allowing you to create greater, share your gifts and live in purpose.