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Spiritual and Emotional Support

Spiritual and Emotional Support

Only Remote Sessions

This is an individualized (~1-1.5h) session focusing on your needs, your goals, your questions and where you will receive an actionable plan for you to move forward with your life.

The session includes restoration of energy energy centers or chakras, biofield feedback and quantum harmonization. These combined healing modalities provide a very relaxed state, resets your nervous system and initiates a more profound level of healing addressing all spiritual, physical or emotional issues. 

Through powerful portal of expansion, alchemy, energetic and emotional support you will accelerate one or more aspects of your life:

  • Mental, physical and emotional health
  • Money and abundance
  • Love life, past relationships and their current impact
  • Family dynamics and relationships
  • Business, habits and addictions
  • Ancestry (karmic imprinting through lineage)
  • Past trauma and losses
  • And many more ...

This is a very transformative session, please read below how to prepare for a remote session or reach out if you have any questions.


Regular price €250,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €250,00 EUR
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Einstein predicted that

“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies”.

What is Quantum Harmonization?

Quantum Harmonization Body Processes are dynamic healing energies that address physical, emotional, and spiritual issues via consciousness expansion.

These energies are subtle and gentle, while at the same time, powerful and transformative. They are regulated by your body and soul, with your QH Body Practitioner in support. This insures that you’re receiving the most appropriate and beneficial healing energy for you at that specific time and space.

In this quantum (non-linear) harmonization, you will be supported to unveil and shift limiting patterns, awakening higher dimensional Light codes. Each session includes a matrix of supportive energies including Consciousness enhancement, harmonizing the nervous system, self-healing activation, limiting-belief release, release of energetic blockages, and more… Plus the specific healing focus of that particular session.

Who Are These Sessions For?

As-You-Wish Quantum Sessions are for those of any age (womb to elderly), including those who are pregnant or experiencing health issues. For those who are open and ready to experience multidimensional activation, harmonious support and resolution, and quantum light transmission. Each being will experience what is most supportive, beneficial and appropriate for them at the time, as directed/calibrated by their Highest Self.

Children and animals may also experience the sessions.

What are Chakras?

Chakra (cakra in Sanskrit) means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body. These spinning disks vibrate at a very particular velocity and frequency to support your physical body as well as your multidimensional self.

Chakras are energetic centers located in different places around the body, not only the seven centers that we know along the spine and head. In my awareness they are around 114 energy centers around the body and each of them influence the body (organs, glands, cells…) in a unique physical, emotional, mental and spiritual way.

These energetic centers also hold a lot of information about us, our habits and patterns, stored trauma, health, mental state, dormant potentials and more.

Chakra imbalance is the biggest cause of health issues. They can be overactive or blocked, but when they are all aligned, balance and vibrating at the right frequency the person feels healthy, whole, joyful and well.

How remote energy healing sessions work?

Just like a face-to-face session, a distance healing session is based on the concept of mind and energy and hence is equally effective. Just like you can sense the love of a loved one despite space, time & distance, the same holds true for the energy & healing sent in a remote healing session.

When we are connecting through distance you are connecting through energy, through a soul to soul connection.  Think for a moment when a friend or a loved one calls you and shares difficult news lets say over the phone. You most likely experience tightness, heaviness, difficulty to breath or overall density. You both are connected through Quantum Entrainments, let’s say through some invisible cords that is why you body have physical and emotional reactions to what is being shared.

Now, when your energy or unique vibrational frequency (let’s say they are like finger prints, all unique and different. They hold a lot of information that only pertains to you, to who you are, to the patterns you are carrying from your lineage, to all the trauma and wounds from the past, also gifts, potentials and possibilities). When you are in direct soul to soul connection or quantum entrained with a Quantum healer you experience soothing sensations, relief, expansion, healing, activations and growth.

A remote healing session starts with a meaningful conversation (to understand the aspects to be worked upon in detail). This generally takes 10 mins-30 mins.

The second part of the session is healing/therapy (this includes a combination of multiple modalities depending upon the situation at hand). During this time, the client is asked to relax in a quiet, undisturbed place for 30 mins-45 mins after which the communication is initiated again.

The final part of the session is counseling, coaching, and post-therapy tips.This takes around 10 mins-30 mins. Keep in mind that every case is different and you will be receiving what is the most supportive and beneficial for you at that time. 

How to prepare for a remote healing session?

  • Make sure you are in a space where you won’t be interrupted.
  • Make sure you have a good internet connection.
  • Make sure to have your hands free when we are connecting (not holding your phone for example)
  • Light up a candle if you choose to create a sacred space for your session.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat lighter foods leading to your session.
  • Avoid too much caffeine before the session, for better integration I advise to avoid caffeinated drinks the day of your session.
  • Wear comfortable and light clothes.
  • Arrive with an open mind and open heart.
  • Bring a journal or paper to write down information to support you on your healing journey.
  • Make sure that you have water to drink in close proximity.
  • Calls are only recorded upon request.